All posts by Jason

I am a millennial technophile that loves playing video games on various platforms but prefer PC. Anything from first-person shooters to strategy games, I enjoy them all if it is put together well. I can lose hours on end playing a great game like Little Big Planet (lost sixteen hours once with its creative mode!). I still fondly remember the days of Scorched Earth, MegaRace, Hover, and Descent! However, I also look forward to new technologies in the video game industry such as the Oculus Rift, oh yeah… thanks Facebook!

Review: Prop Hunt (Hide and Seek)

Prop Hunt is a mod within Garry’s Mod for Counter Strike / VALVE. Prop Hunt plays much like the childhood game of “Hide and Seek”. Players on one team are disguised as “props” and given a 30 second set up time to hide. And afterwards, the opposing team attempts to find and kill them in the allotted time period. Continue reading Review: Prop Hunt (Hide and Seek)