Review: Euclid The Game

solid-arrow-up-btn solid-arrow-up-btn UpUp:

This web-based geometric puzzler will have you drawing lines and shapes for hours all while overlooking the completely simplistic interface. It takes but a minute to figure out the tools and tasks and then you’re off and running. New tools are added along the way to assist you in solving more complex problems quicker and easier. And recognition is given for coming up with solutions in the least number of steps. As well as if you used basic (primitive) tools or the more advanced tools to complete the task. This is a great game for both the enjoyment of problem solving and a learning tool at the same time.

solid-arrow-down-btn solid-arrow-down-btn DownDown:

If shiny graphics and sound effects are required for your gaming enjoyment you might want to skip this one as none will be found.

solid-arrow-left-btn What’s Left:

If you pass a level but didn’t master it with the least number of steps, play it again to solve it in less steps. Matching the least number of steps for a given level is rather gratifying.

solid-arrow-right-btn What’s Right:

There’s something to be said about a quick and easy web-based game where no login or download is required!

